


Thankfully, it feels like we are well on our way to cooler temperatures in South Texas. Fall is the season that we all anticipate here in South Texas, even more than Spring or Summer. After months of the extreme heat and humidity of the summer, it is time to get back outdoors and start planning your fall garden. Fall is the perfect time to plant trees and shrubs because the root systems of your plants have plenty of time to recover from transplanting and grow new roots. The cooler temperatures also can reduce the stress on your new plants and the increased rainfall during the autumn season means less watering for those garden additions. Fall also means that pests that thrive on heat and humidity, 像蚊子, 往前走,不要把呆在外面当成一件苦差事. 那么什么是最适合你的植物和花园的水呢?


If you already have an 阿拉莫软水器 system in your home, 你应该知道你的树, shrubs and garden may require different water than what comes inside of your home from your softener system. 如果你安装了软化剂系统, your softener system will appropriately get rid of the calcium, magnesium and other minerals in your water to protect your plumbing and appliances. 然而, 你的树木, shrubs and garden relies on some of those minerals to help your plants stay healthy and green. 大多数 软水器 systems rely on sodium to help clean the water of minerals that create hard water. This water may slow down your plants growth and if you use it to water your grass, 可能会随着时间的推移而杀死它.


当你的水经过saw处理时, 他们添加化学物质和矿物质,比如氯, 氟化物和盐对人体有益, 但不是植物. While plants can do very well on tap water its not the best for plant growth, especially if you have hard water…like the water in South Texas.


The WQA (Water Quality Association) says that distilled water is best for plants since it does not contain harmful chemicals or minerals. Deionized or Reverse Osmosis waters also do not contain harmful minerals or chemicals and is one of the most beneficial types of water for your plants. Sure you can go out and purchase a gallon of distilled water from your local grocery store, 但是想想你的植物和花园的大小, and then think about how many gallons you will need to purchase to keep it growing throughout the season? 阿拉莫软水器 has a variety of products that can help you to create distilled water in your home. 首先我们 全家用过滤器 can create that water and bring it straight to your tap so that all you need to do is fill your watering can and take it to your indoor plants or out to your garden. 我们也可以安装您自己的 反渗透系统 that can create this distilled water for you at a very specific location in your home. Both are great options to keep your indoor and outdoor plants happy and healthy.


直接从原始来源, you probably already guessed that this is the best choice for watering plants. 利用雨水的方法有很多. 雨水可以用水桶收集, 或者如果你有很多植物需要浇水, it may be beneficial to purchase a rain collection barrel, which usually comes with a hose attachment so you can easily water all the plants in your home and garden.

As always, we are here to help with all of your water and plumbing solutions. ManBetX足球 ManBetX指数在圣安东尼奥 今天在 (210) 274-6122.


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